Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Vera Bradley Outlet Sale

As I mentioned here, I went to the Vera Bradley Outlet Sale in Fort Wayne, Indiana on Monday.

If you live anywhere near and like Vera Bradley products then this is the sale for you.

There are rows and rows of amazing products to chose from at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum. There are also TONS of people there, goin' bat shiz crazy over purses. And it is So. Much. Fun.

This is the Black Friday of purse sales. This year the public sale dates are Tuesday-Sunday and if you show up about Thursday the ladies are a little cray cray. I have been later in the week before and have had purses take out of my hand, I have been pushed out of the way, and I have seen people dump boxes of bags on the floor to dig through. 

We are fortunate enough to go on a preview day due to my cousin owning a Marathon gas station. The preview day shoppers are a little more sophisticated, thank goodness. 

Being the craptastic blogger that I am, I forgot to take a pic of the madness so I got this one off of the internet:

Crazy women shopping for discounted handbags!!

I did take some pics as I was shopping. Basically, you get a big, pink trash bag when you enter and you throw a ton of crap in there. Then you sit off to the side and weed through what you have. This is me trying to decide which pattern to get in each bag. I always pick up 2-3 different colors and 2-3 of each color. I then pick the best one for each color by checking for flaws and pattern placement. Finally I choose which color I like best. I wanted these 2 bags and was choosing colors here:

Top 3 are Laptop Travel Tote and the bottom 3 are Tablet Hipster.

My friend wanted a wristlet that would fit her smartphone and I found these and text her so she could tell me which color she wanted:

This is the Smartphone Wristlet.

This is what I ended up with (notice my Chromebook fits in the front pocket):

Laptop Travel Tote in Va Va Bloom
Tablet Hipster in Plum Crazy
Double Zip Wristlet in A to Vera
Lanyard in Cupcakes Pink

Here is one with the Tablet Hipster's front pocket closed.

For my friend I got:

Smartphone wristlet in:
Indigo Pop

Fantabulous time this year. Sorry about my picture quality, I am still working on it.

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