Monday, March 25, 2013

Pinterest Challenge Week #4

Saturday was my first official day of spring break. I spent it shopping and crafting. I got the kids Easter basket stuff ready and one of the things for their baskets was my next Pinterest Challenge.

Sisters Share It All: Pinterest Challenge

The pin I chose for this week was this:

The downside to this pin is that you can't click on it, it basically is a pin that doesn't go anywhere and I hate when that happens. So, basically I had to wing it and hope for the best!

Items needed:
Beach Towel
Flip Flops
Goggles/Swim Mask
White and Red Pipe Cleaners
Pink Pompom
Googlie Eyes

First I took the tags off of the towel and laid it out how it was folded by manufacturer. 

Towel from Meijer
Then I folded the swimsuit up in the middle of the towel.

Tankini from Justice

Roll towel up and put mask or goggles over the towel to hold it closed.
(My kids will only use masks so I didn't do goggles like the original pin)

Mask from Meijer

Slide flipflops (soles in) on the backside of the towel to make the ears.

Flip flops from Kohl's

Next put the pink pompom in the nose part.

To make whiskers and mouth, take 3 white pipe cleaners and wrap a red (or pink) around to make the mouth. I had to trim some off.

Slide the whiskers/mouth under the nose part of the mask and behind the pompom. Stick on the googlie eyes. The mask will hold it on.


The mask needs moved up a little.

That one was Eve's. I made one for Xander here:

I moved her mask up. His mask is from Kohl's,
towel from Walmart, and flip flops are Nike.

Back side of both of them.

I am so excited at how these turned out. I hope the kids like them as much as I do. 

What do you think?
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  1. OMG! such a cute gift idea! I made something similar for Nicks teachers last year as end of school year gifts. I've been debating what I could get my nieces and nephew that would be useful instead of candy, maybe I'll do a sand bucket with a beach towel and a small bunny. Thanks for the inspiration:)

    1. You're Welcome!! I was originally going to do it as an end of the school year gift for my kids but I couldn't resist doing it for Easter, they look so cute as bunnies :)

  2. Those are SO precious!! I'll have to keep those in mind for younger cousins and friends kids :)
